Basic Stricture of a Computer system

Basic Stricture of a Computer system:

Input Unit:  Input Unit takes data by Input device. An input device is any computer hardware equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system. Here information processing system is CPU. Input Unit converts any input Data into Binary format.   
Memory Unit: Memory unit has two Divisions.
1.     Primary Memory
2.     Secondary Memory

Primary Memory: Primary Memory is the main memory of a computer. Primary storagemain memory/ internal memory is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. It is also called Volatile Memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the primary memory.
RAM: Random Access Memory or shortly RAM has two kinds:
1.     SRAM-Static RAM
2.     DRAM-Dynamic RAM

Secondary Memory: Secondary Memory is the additional memory of a computer.  It is also called Non-Volatile Memory. ROM (Read Only Memory) is the secondary Memory.
ROM: Read Only Memory or shortly ROM has three kinds:
1.     PROM-Programmable ROM(Like Non writeable CD/DVD)
2.     EPROM-Erasable Programmable ROM
3.     EEPROM-Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (Like Hard disk, writeable CD/DVD pen Drive etc.)

CPU: CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. CPU has two divisions.
1.     ALU
2.     CU
ALU: ALU stand for Arithmetic and Logic Unit. Here computer do arithmetic Calculation.
CU: CU stand for Control Unit. Full computer systems controlled by CU unit.


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